How technology will change the way businesses are run


Technology is constantly evolving at an alarming pace.

The rise of society's expectations is being made possible by new digital trends. Things that were impossible a decade ago can now be considered normal. It is now clear that virtual reality, 5G connectivity and drones seamlessly integrate into society.

Elon Musk is the man who leads the charge for the latest business tech development. Musk is a passionate advocate for "wondrous, innovative technology" and has been actively involved in research and development in these areas since the beginning of his career.

He is originally from South Africa and founded and is the CEO of SpaceX, an aerospace company, and Tesla, an electric vehicle and clean-energy company. The former company seeks to lower space transportation costs in order to allow the colonization Mars. He aims to return to Earth and accelerate the transition to electric cars.

Musk is a tireless innovator and well-known for his bold, unorthodox views about the future. Musk was quoted as saying that "Some people don’t like change but you have to embrace it if the alternative is catastrophe." This statement is even more pertinent as the global landscape changes every day due to the global pandemic. The Covid-19 outbreak has given new life to markets that were already suffering from the disaster. McKinsey estimates that both business and consumer digital adoption was fast-forwarded by five years within the first eight weeks of lockdown. Industry innovators are not slowing down as the competition is fierce.

Due to Musk's influence and the global reach of Covid-19, many contrasting technological trends are now available for business owners. The biggest is artificial intelligence (AI). It is expected that the industry will be worth $190billion by 2025. This opens up the possibility of creating jobs in data, cybersecurity and healthcare. Given the amount of information available on the effectiveness of vaccines and infection rates, algorithms will need to be able to provide solutions that could change the course of history.

The simple answer to what these trends mean is "Yes." The technology is constantly changing, and so are the skills that you must have to win over your customers, build a sustainable business, and achieve long-term success. Technology will undoubtedly change the way businesses operate in 2021 and beyond. These three entrepreneurs are gaining momentum online and will help you stay competitive, current, and informed about the future.


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